Ice Fantasy OST

Ice Fantasy OST 

Ice Fantasy OST /  幻城 OST
Year: 2016
Country: China
Format: MP3
Bit Rate: 320 kbps
Duration: 00:47:12

Track List:

01. Jay Chou and A-mei [周杰伦 and 张惠妹] - Shouldn't [不該]

02. Cindy Yen [袁咏琳] - Bottom of Heart [心底]

03. A-Lin [黄丽玲] - Daydream [梦话]

04. Ye Huaipei - Love Will Be Restored [爱会还原] (Ka Suo's theme song)

05. Cindy Yen [袁咏琳] - Falling Pears [梨落] (Li Luo's theme song)

06. Victoria Song [宋茜] - Falling Pears [梨落] (Li Luo's theme song)

07. Huang Yuxun [黃雨勛] - Love Like Cherry Blossoms [爱如樱] (Ying Kong Shi's theme song)

08. Ma Tianyu [马天宇] - Love Like Cherry Blossoms [爱如樱] (Ying Kong Shi's theme song)

09. Yu Ziqin [我不放手] - I Won't Let Go [我不放手] (Yan Da's theme song)

10. Zhang Meng - I Won't Let Go [我不放手] (Yan Da's theme song)

11. by Xian Peijin [冼佩瑾] - Fish on the Other Shore [彼岸鱼] (Lan Shang's theme song)

12. Kelly Yu [于文文] - Death of the Premature Lotus [莲殇] (Lian Ji's theme song)


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